What is the vision of your ministry? Stop. If you can't answer that in less than 2 seconds then you need to change your vision. If you pause, and then ho and hum, people are going to think that you are making it up on the spot. The major problem is most of you are making it up on the spot. So let me ask you this question again, "What is the vision of your ministry?"
I have written in the past about changing the culture of the children's ministry here at Horizon Community Church. The article can be found here. I was then asked to expand on the article and tell you how I accomplished the change. If you want to change the culture of your ministry then you will have to start with the vision of your ministry. Here are the 3 major keys of a vision that I believe are the most important.
1. Your vision must be Memorable. If you can't remember your vision then no one else will. If it is to long and complicated then you have lost the battle before you started. If your Senior Pastor, church, or volunteers can't bring it to mind then you need to change it. I don't care how long you worked on it and chose just the right words and made it less than 3 sentences... Which brings me to me next point.
2. Your vision must be Repeatable. Not only do I remember my vision by I can say it in under 15 seconds. Your vision is your sound bite. Your vision is what your Senior Pastor says about you in front of the whole church. It is what your volunteers say at lunch when they talk about Sunday. You should be able to fit it into a conversation that feels natural.
3. Your vision must be Measurable. Here is a great quote for you, "What gets measured, gets improved." People want to be apart of something successful. If you can measure what you are doing then you can know if you are being successful or not. You can also improve what you are doing.
So I know you are asking yourself right now. Matt, what is the vision of your ministry? What vision do you have that helped change the culture? Here it is:
Kids bringing their Parents to Church!
What is your vision? What do you see is important in a vision?
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