When you put up a sign then expectations are soon to follow. Let's say that you put up a simple sign that says that restrooms are down the hall. One would come to expect the restrooms to be down the hall and not on the opposite side of the store. Pretty much a no brainer correct? Well, I am on vacation this week and came across tons and tons of signs. Myrtle Beach is an incredible city when it comes to the good, the bad, and the ugly. They are also known for signs like this:
there are many other signs that say World Famous, #1 in South Carolina, The Best, and so on and so forth. The sign above has not only set expectations of ice cream but the expectation of "Best in the U.S." Of course we had to stop. The ice cream is average at best and not the best in the U.S. but they did many years ago get People Magazine to vote their Black Cherry the best in the U.S. It is amazing how you can get someone to write something nice about you.
OK, evaluation time... What kind of expectations are you setting with your signs? Are you meeting them?
On a side note, please don't under any circumstance use this many fonts in one sign. That is ridiculous.
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