Can you really use something like Fantasy Football as a ministry tool? You better believe you can. Of course, I believe that ministry can happen anywhere at anytime. I think we just have to be able to leverage the opportunity. So how is Fantasy Football a ministry tool? You tell me how you can get a bunch of non-believers together for 2 to 3 hours and start building relationships that are intentional. It is amazing to me the guy or girl that you can get to play fantasy football with you that you can't get to do anything else. Then you take that opportunity and build upon it and then out of nowhere you have a ministry opportunity.
You know just maybe we could get someone like Campus Crusade who has a lot of different arms like Athletes in Action, Student Venture, Business Ministry, and College Ministry to start a Fantasy Sports division. I don't know if I could raise the money for my salary but how fun would that be? Someone comes up to you and says, "What do you do for a living?" You response is, "Well I minister through playing Fantasy Sports!" I could do that...
By the way, you can also use it as a volunteer recruitment tool. My draft tomorrow is at 9:30 am and has 3 guys who I built relationships with and now volunteer in Children's Ministry. I am telling you that you can use anything for ministry.
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