Yes, you read that correct. I have a new job. What is the new job? Did I go and start my own marketing/sign/consulting/naming/branding/chocolate business? Did Google bite at my billion dollar idea? Am I still in Cincinnati? Do I need to change the title of this blog?
I know that all of these questions came to mind when you read the title of this post. OK, maybe not but I do have a new job here at Horizon. I am now overseeing Nursery-Senior High. Am I ready to take on Junior High and Senior High? I think so, but I know that I don't have all the answers. The great thing is that I have 2 incredible people who are already doing the ministry for both of these ministries.
I really am looking forward to this. I know this is going to be a challenge. I know that this is going to have great rewards in relationships and in leadership building. I ask that you pray for me. I really don't have all the answers, and that scares me. There I said it. I don't even know if I am cool enough to hang out with these students. There I said that too.
I do need your help. What should my title be? I have some in mind but I would love to hear what you think?
By the way, the name of this blog won't change. Junior High and Senior High are still kids and God still wants to take their old selves and make them new.
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