Why do I care about comments on my blog? Because that says that not only are you reading but you are responding. Responding is the goal of three of my passions: marketing, ministry, and believe it or not fashion. Not specifically in that order.
Anyway, thank you for reading. I mean that but more importantly thanks for your comments. Now don't get me wrong, not all comments have made it through. I do moderate comments because I don't like for you to have to read curse words or inappropriate material. I hope that if you have a blog that you moderate as well. I do publish comments that disagree with me though. I like that we disagree. It means you have an opinion and I hope that your opinion has been thought through and doesn't just come from your feelings.
So when I wrote this post I was at 99 comments. I know many of you out there are laughing that I only have 99 but I feel really blessed. For those of you who get hits like crazy I am still waiting on my 5,000th as well. I am close but not there yet. I should be there by the time I do church this weekend.
So again. Thanks.
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