I got this question from someone calling himself (I hope it is a him) "Tank":
Mckee, Great idea, but how does it work when 2 of the guys you mentioned are suing each other b/c of stolen ideas?
Now this was in response to a post I have called "A Children's Curriculum Idea". First of all, if you want to comment on this site please feel free. That is why I do this blog and I hope that I have some thought, idea or review that warrants a response. I do ask though that you at least let us know who you are. Tank, thanks for the encouragement about the idea and the question but please let me know how I can contact you.
Okay, that is done and now let me get to my point of why I call this post "The Human Side."
Children's Ministry as a business is like any other industry. You have your major players who have been loyal to their company and have been through many years of trials, hardships, and successes. Because of their experience, vision, leadership, and insight many people follow them and look up to them as mentors. Like any other industry many of those major players change over the years. For instance in Children's Ministry... If you take a look at Saddleback, Willow, and North Point, all of the heads of state are no longer in the same role they where in just 2 years ago. Reggie Joiner is doing his own thing with the
reThink Group and doing quite well if I might add. Sue Miller has joined Reggie in the reThink Group. Talk about a dynamic team. I did interview with Willow to see if I could take over for her. I didn't make the cut. I got the, "We think you need more experience. You are just to young. This was after interviewing with them for 3 months. Don't worry, I'm not bitter. Craig Jutila is no longer at Saddleback and is taking a break to
refocus himself. By the way, I know I have knocked Craig a little on this site, but I will say that I have the utmost respect for his decision and the way he handled it was nothing but class. I still want him on my bus when it comes to ministry. He is truly gifted. Anyway, Children's Ministry has a human side. Like it or not there is a business side. My hope is that we can get past both of these and get to the ministry side of things. The 2 guys that are suing each other need to come together. Both need to ask for forgiveness and then start working together again. Their stuff was much better when they were on speaking terms. I understand that things went down in a really bad way but it is the past. Sins happen and God gives grace. Believe me, I know I need grace from "ministry" things that I have done and in ways that I have treated people. The most important thing that we can do as Children's ministers is not get caught up on this human side. It isn't going to matter who the next head of state is because they are going to be human as well. Things, people, ministries, and industries change but let us learn from their mistakes. Today's kids need us too and believe me when I say that tomorrow's kids expect us too.