July 28, 2009

Going Preacher on Someone

Last week I posted about Going Pastor on someone. The conclusion was that Going Pastor on someone was actually a great thing? What did I mean by Going Pastor?

I meant that these people needed some love in their lives. They needed to know that they were important to me and to God. They needed to experience a little bit of grace. They needed not to be judged but be accepted even if they were wrong. They needed a friend.

What about Going Preacher on someone? What in the world could that mean?

Well here are some definitions from dictionary.com

to preach-
1. to proclaim or make known by sermon (the gospel, good tidings, etc.).
2. to deliver (a sermon).
3. to advocate or inculcate (religious or moral truth, right conduct, etc.) in speech or writing.

Inclined or given to tedious and excessive moralizing; didactic.

Going Preacher on someone to me means that we go to the excess moralizing place. Don't get me wrong, all people need accountability in their lives. We all need someone who speaks to us in an honest manner and helps us along life's bumpy road.

The problem is that when we Go Preacher on someone we tend to make it about ourselves and the knowledge we have or we tend to be very judgmental on the behavior of the other person. Neither is a good thing. The good news or gospel is not about you or me and it is not about judging someone's behavior.

So if you have the option today to Go Pastor or Go Preacher on someone then I encourage you to Go Pastor on them. Anyone can judge or make it about them, not everyone can make it about God.

July 22, 2009

Sign Wednesday: Another Bad Church Sign


One of my life goals of convincing all churches to take these types of signs down is failing. This is just one more example of my failure.

Posted by ShoZu

July 20, 2009

Ministry Monday: Going Pastor on People

I am sure you have heard the phrase "Going Postal". Wikipedia defines "Going Postal" like this:

Going postal is an American English slang term, used as a verb meaning to suddenly become extremely and uncontrollably angry, often to the point of violence and in a workplace environment. The term derives from a series of incidents from 1983 onward in which United States Postal Service (USPS) workers shot and killed managers, fellow workers, and members of the police or general public. Between 1986 and 1997, more than 40 people were killed in at least 20 incidents of workplace rage.

Now what if I said someone was "Going Pastor". What comes to mind? What would the definition of that be?

This past weekend I told my wife Jessica that I was "Going Pastor" on someone. She was of course confused and wondering what I meant. So what did I mean? I meant that these people needed some love in their lives. They needed to know that they were important to me and to God. They needed to experience a little bit of grace. They needed not to be judged but be accepted even if they were wrong. They needed a friend.

If you were "Going Pastor" on someone what would that look like?

Tune in next Ministry Monday for "Going Preacher" on someone. Believe me, there is a big difference in "Going Pastor" and "Going Preacher".

July 15, 2009

Sign Wednesday: Necessary?

Signs of necessity are normally put up to warn of previous accident or behavior. For example this sign:

The slippery when wet sign is infamous because of people falling but more importantly people suing a company because they didn't have a sign of warning.

Now this brings us to this sign:

If we take the same logic and say that this sign is here out of necessity then there must be a problem with previous accident or behavior. I only wonder how many times there were previous accidents or behaviors before it became necessary?

(Thanks to Sam Luce for the sign.)

July 8, 2009

Sign Wednesday: Jobs Found for #kidmin and #stumin

Normally you will see a jobs wanted sign like this one below:

Well I have exciting news for all of you Children's Pastors out there who may be in search for a new position. Actually not just Children's Pastors but anyone looking for a job in ministry. Going live tonight on CMConnect, SMConnect, PMConnect, and some other sites will be a job board for you. I know there are quite a few of you out there because I get phones from you looking for jobs. Now just log on to the websites above and click on the "Calling" tab. This will be a free service for the next 30 days. So jump on and see what is available later tonight or tomorrow morning. It will always be free to post your resume, so you can do that anytime. I really do think this is going to help out those looking and for churches who are searching.

By the way, I am not looking for a job. Just thought I would set the record straight.

July 7, 2009

Twitter Tuesday: DNR Daily Twitter Summary

Where have the daily Twitter summaries gone? This is a question that some people have been asking me. That is a great question and I'm glad you asked.

The service that I was using to do the Twitter summaries has crashed. It was a service called LoudTwitter. The service doesn't look like it will be back up anytime soon either. Here is the latest post from http://loudtwitter.com and I quote:

DNR* for loudtwitter

Let's do a quick tour of the situation:

I enjoyed a lot working on loudtwitter and the challenges it represents. I had fun times but also horrible time dealing with bugs (my bad), support (some nice people out there, and also some jerks) and technical issues.

Financially, loudtwitter operates at loss. Some nice people donated money (up to $50 for one donation!), some didn't (and that's ok, too). The donations totaled $336 over two years, but the operation expense (not counting my time ;) is $575 a year (hosting + domain name).

If I get back my Hard Disk (odds aren't looking good), then I'll probably renew LT domain and continue monitoring it and making sure it works. If I don't... restarting will be too much work for me, it would mean:

- Reinstall the operating system
- Reinstall the code and all software moving parts (Perlbal, Gearman etc...)
- Since I won't have the exact software version I was running, I will spend a lot of times to make it run the way it was previously running (I'm thinking about OpenId here and some other software: Catalyst)
- Reconfigure mysql in active-active replication on the same box (tricky)
- Reconfigure the backup system
- Restore the backups (I don't know how old, yet)
- Making sure it runs correctly

So, we'll see, but I hope you understand my current thinking.

*DNR: Do Not Resuscitate

So I am on the lookout for a new way to give the readers of my blog a way to keep up with my Twitter feed without joining Twitter. If you know of a service or use a service that you like please leave a comment.

Also I will probably be going to a weekly update of my Twitter summary instead of a daily in the future. Of course if you want to join in on the conversation you can follow me on Twitter or even subscribe to the RSS feed of my Twitter account by going to http://twitter.com/mattmckee

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