July 29, 2008

Ministry Monday: Advance and Retreat

I think it is interesting the differences between the words Advance and Retreat. Here are the definitions of both:

Main Entry:
1ad·vance Listen to the pronunciation of 1advance
transitive verb1: to accelerate the growth or progress of <advance a cause>2: to bring or move forward <advance a pawn>3: to raise to a higher rank4archaic : to lift up : raise5: to bring forward in time; especially : to make earlier <advance the date of the meeting>6: to bring forward for notice, consideration, or acceptance : propose <advance an idea>7: to supply or furnish in expectation of repayment <advance a loan>8: to raise in rate : increase <advance the rent>

Main Entry:
1re·treat Listen to the pronunciation of 1retreat
1 a (1): an act or process of withdrawing especially from what is difficult, dangerous, or disagreeable (2): the process of receding from a position or state attained retreat of a glacier> b (1): the usually forced withdrawal of troops from an enemy or from an advanced position (2): a signal for retreating c (1): a signal given by bugle at the beginning of a military flag-lowering ceremony (2): a military flag-lowering ceremony2: a place of privacy or safety : refuge3: a period of group withdrawal for prayer, meditation, study, or instruction under a director

These definitions are brought to you by Webster.com.

If you follow me on Twitter you would have noticed that yesterday I was in a meeting with the management staff of Horizon Community Church. We were in a strategy session that was looking at long term goals for the church. We talked about some really exciting things. For one we are in a building campaign and of course talked about that process and the structure. We also talked about some other things that I can't wait to share with you but you will just have to wait.

On Tuesday I leave for Dallas to spend 5 days with my wife without the kids. This will be the first time for us to get away like this since our oldest, who is 3, was born. You see, Jessica is a Mary Kay consultant and their national convention is going on this week. We are going down there and I think I am going to have a blast. Again if you want to know how I am really doing you can always follow me on Twitter.

Why do I tell you about this things? Very simple. Both can be one or the other; a retreat or an advance. Go ahead and read the definitions one more time. The same goes for ministry opportunities all the time. The problem is I don't know if you know if what you are doing is a retreat or an advance until after the fact. Don't get me wrong, I know what I want both to be but I don't think you are ever sure until the process is complete.

So let me ask you, "In your ministry right now, are you on an advance or on a retreat?"

July 24, 2008

Tech Thursday: The Love Hate Relationship

This cartoon was on my door when I walked in today:

Technology is great when it works and is the most frustrating thing in the world when it doesn't.

July 21, 2008

Ministry Monday: The 5 Themes and The 3 Dials

On June 23rd, 2008 I wrote about the 5 Themes that we are going to implement at Horizon Community Church for Preschool-High School. These 5 Themes are suppose to be a measuring stick for what is being taught to every kid that walks in to our church. The 5 Themes are God, the Bible, the Church, Self Disciplines, and Relationships.

Why have a measuring stick? I want our church to have some type of cohesion for a child that is with us from Preschool-High School. I want to make sure there is a progression in there faith and in their experiences. I also believe parents want to know that we have thought through what we are teaching their kids. We don't just throw something against the wall and hope it sticks. Instead we want to make sure that each year that a child or student is with us that they are growing in their learning and understanding of God. If you don't have a measuring stick then how do you know if you are accomplishing anything? So when looking at the series that we are going to do we are making sure that we are not teaching to much on the Church and not enough on the Bible or vice versa.

What prompted these 5 themes? Reggie Joiner has been and is talking about his 3 Dials. What are the 3 Dials? I believe my friend Kenny Conley said it best on his blog and I quote:

The Wonder Dial, the Discovery Dial and the Passion Dial. The Wonder Dial is the understanding of faith, creation and who God is. The Discovery Dial is the understanding of how I personally fit into this knowledge of God, specifically relating to having a relationship with Jesus Christ. The Passion Dial is understanding my relationship with those around me.

So, when an integrated family ministry operates with the knowledge of these dials, the team can work together to turn these dials at the appropriate times within ministry. For instance, the Wonder Dial will be turned most during the preschool years, and only a little beyond that (mainly for outreach opportunities). The Discovery Dial is turned the most in elementary ministry and in student ministry and the Passion Dial will be turned the most in student ministry. Implementing this in an integrated strategy allows everyone in multiple ministries to be on the same page.

How do the 5 Themes coexist with the 3 Dials? I believe the two have the same common end goal of getting Preschool-High School on the same page. I also believe the two have some of the same thoughts in common. In fact I think the two go much better hand in hand than apart from each other. For instance if you are going to teach the 5 Themes every year a child is in your ministry then the focus of those Themes are going to change. This is where the 3 Dials come into play. Knowing when to turn each dial up and down but not forgetting that no matter what that each Theme should be touched upon in a given year is the key. Just because a High School students understands and needs more relational ministry doesn't mean that they shouldn't have a series done each year on how to use the Bible for growth. In fact, knowing where you have been and where you are heading with both the 5 Themes and 3 Dials will only make the application to each student better and better. They may actual not only download what you are teaching but get it to the point where they use what they are learning.

Now I know your question from here, "What about the kid that doesn't come into your ministry until they are in High School or Middle School and has no prior knowledge of any of the 5 Themes or the 3 Dials?" Isn't this why it is even more important that you teach each Theme every year? Yes even in Preschool you teach about Relationships and in High School you teach about about God, Creation, and the basics of faith. It is never a bad idea to reinforce the past while stretching the teacher to teach in a creative compelling way.

Therefore, I think that both the 5 Themes and the 3 Dials have to live together. I think they build upon each other. I think one is not complete without the other.

I have started the process on how each of the 5 Themes may compile on top of each other and how that might be fleshed out. Kenny Conley, Sam Luce, and Jonathan Cliff don't know this yet but they are going to help me. Of course my staff at Horizon is helping out. I would love to get your help on this as well. If you want to help then shoot me an e-mail. If Reggie Joiner is out there reading this than I would love to see what you think too.

July 20, 2008

Quotes from Centri-Kid 2008: Very Funny, Very Sad.

Things happen at camp that don't happen other places. Have you noticed this? Not only do unexpected things happen but some of the strangest things are said as well. The following are actual things that I heard come out of people's mouths while at camp. (I am not endorsing any of these comments just restating them for your enjoyment)

While preaching to the kids and adults in a nightly worship service the Camp Pastor had some incredible words to say to us. In one occasion though his words got away from him.
Camp Pastor: "We all can fart in God's family. I mean, we are all part of God's family. Did I say fart? I really didn't mean to say that."

Tim and I were in the community bathroom when one of the kids from our church walks in and asked what we were doing. The following is a part of that conversation.
Kid: "What are you guys doing?"
Myself: "Tim and I are dropping the kids off at the pool?"
Kid: "If you are dropping kids off at the pool, then what are you doing in there?"
Tim: "That's the best question I have ever heard."

Somehow we got on Momma jokes. Don't ask me how I just know that we ended up there.
Someone: "You Momma so fat, she asked me to kiss her behind and I said which hemisphere."

I got to break up a fight on our last day of camp. It was not kids from my church which made it kind of fun. The best part was there conversation as they pushed and attempted to be tough but not hit each other. (I remind you I do not endorse these comments)

Kid #1: "I'm gonna beat you up if you don't leave me alone"
Kid #2: "You can't beat me up. You're a fagot."
Kid #1: "I'm not a fagot. You're a fagot."
Kid #2: "Come on over here and I will show you fag. That's right, I'll show you fag."
At this point I was in the room with my arms between the two fifth graders. What I was worried about was how this one boy was going to show the other boy. I mean was he going to take off his shirt, put on some high heels, and dance around the room. I was really confused on how he was going to show him. I knew it needed to stop before any showing started happening.

So there you have it. There are just some of my favorite quotes from church camp. I can't believe I heard any of those things but unfortunately I heard them all.

July 17, 2008

Centri-Kid update #2: Friendships

Today is out last full of camp. We leave tomorrow morning. The kids are already a little sad about leaving and I don't blame them. Why? I think it is simple. You can't help but make friends at camp. Leaving friends is one of the hardest thing in the world to do. I hate it. I always have but it is one of those necessary things in life. Which by the way, I am very bad at goodbyes. I don't do it well. I have the tenancy to just leave. This is what happens at camp. The tenancy is that tomorrow morning when we leave the kids don't get to say goodbye to everyone and it kind of hurts.

I even feel this way. I have been able make some great new friendships and refresh some old ones. I think there is something about getting away from your normal day and your normal life that makes you build relationships. Not just earthly relationships but spiritual relationships as well. I can tell that the kids that came with us are building a better friendship with God. How cool is that?

So thank you Centri-Kid for giving the kids and the adults the opportunity to get to know each other. It is very nice to meet and see friends.

July 15, 2008

@ Centri-Kid: Update #1

I am currently at Georgetown College in Georgetown, KY attending a church camp called Centri-Kid. Centri-Kid is a camp that is run by Lifeway Christian Resources or otherwise known as the Southern Baptist Convention. It is for kids who have completed 3rd-6th grade and is an overnight camp. This is our second year as a church to attend this particular camp.

Why Centri-Kid? My philosophy on camp is that I want to be able to build relationships with the kids and not have to worry about anything else. We only brought 12 kids and I am really getting to know each and every one of them. Basically Centri-Kid takes care of all of the programming and let's my volunteers and I the ability to just hang with the kids. This camp also builds into the adults while the kids are in their own Bible Study.

So far the camp has been very good. The program is solid and the kids are having fun. Registration was a breeze. The dorms are fine. The food is actually good. They even gave us free Starbucks today as a thank you and not just your normal cup of joe, but a grande iced carmel-white mocha. The only bad thing that has happened so far is one of the boys fell off the top bunk this morning at 5:30am. He got a nice pop knot on his head but will be fine.

Today we will get to go to a water park for our free time. The kids are really looking forward to this.

Here are some pictures that I have taken so far that I think you might enjoy.

The drop off area. Nice use of flags.

The stage set-up for large group presentations.

Kids doing their quiet time this morning.

One of the campers talking smack and telling Momma jokes.

The Senior Pastor's son doing a got Milk commercial.

There you have it. I really am enjoying myself. If you want more details then you can also follow me on twitter at http://www.twitter.com/mattmckee

July 10, 2008

Tech Thursday: I gave my iPhone away!

I did something crazy yesterday. I locked my gen. 1 iPhone and gave it away, to my wife. That's correct, I am walking around right now with an old Nokia flip phone in my pocket. I signed a 2 year contract with AT&T and dropped T-Mobile. My former iPhone is now legit. That means today I don't XM on my phone. I don't have a cool twitter client. I don't have much of anything including phone numbers. I can make and recieve calls and texts and that is it.

Why in the world would I do this? I need today to be a day where I get a ton done. I am out of town next week at a camp in Georgetown, KY. I need to make sure and have everything done today because tomorrow I will be occupied. I won't be worth anything on Saturday and Sunday besides church will be a wash. What will I be doing over the next 3 days?


I don't know if you have read yet but the App Store is live in iTunes. You can already buy your favorite Apps but of course you can't do anything with them until you upgrade to iPhone 2.0 or buy the new iPhone 3G. Many of the Apps in the store are very similar or the same as the ones in Installer of a jailbroken iPhone. The sad thing is that the ones that are the same are of course not free like they were in Installer. There are Apps that are not in the store as well. In the Installer you could add a video camera app that turned the camera of the iPhone into a recording device. You could also changed the theme of your phone through Installer and I don't see that in the App Store. There was also a voice dial App that I will miss. I will also miss the Touchpad Pro that allowed you to use your iPhone as your mouse.

As with any change I will have to adapt. I will have to contact AT&T now which I am not really excited about. I will have to be ready to download web pages faster. I will have to get use to real GPS. I will also have to get ready to pay for my Apps.

Here I come iPhone 3G. I can't wait for our friendship to begin.

July 7, 2008

Ministry Monday: Visiting other Churches

I love visiting other churches. I wish I could take a week and travel all over the world and visit the best churches out there. I believe you can learn so much from doing this simple exercise. You learn what to do and what not to do. You learn who they are as a church and more importantly you learn who you are as a church. You also get to meet some incredible people who just might inspire you to become a better minister.

Today I took a portion of my team, Tim Selnick and Andrea Goslee, to Montgomery Community Church. Instead of doing our normal staff meeting we went and visited with Kim Vaught. Kim is a firecracker and has a huge heart for kids. She is all about vision and seeing people come to know the love of God. She was kind enough to spend over an hour with my team and I.

Just over 2 years ago Montgomery had Wacky World come in and establish an environment for the Children's area. Before the transformation the church was your typical white/grey walls with little decorations. Now it is a vibrant space that speaks leaps and bounds on how much the church values kids. Here are some pictures I took while I was there:

If you are not visiting other churches then why not? If you are visiting other churches then let me know what you learn. If you are even in Cincinnati, OH then I would love to take you around the city and eventually to my own church once it is built.

July 2, 2008

Hot Topic: Church and Video

Over the last several years churches have begun what they call Video Venues or Satellite Campuses. A video venue or satellite campus is one where there's not a live preacher but the pastor is on a very high quality video that is shown instead on a very large screen that fills a stage. A basic service at one of these churches is very streamlined and has live worship music, maybe some creative element, and then the sermon on video. I was working at Fellowship Church in Grapevine, TX when they opened up their first campus like this. I remember it being a back and forth on whether or not this was a good idea. The questions of do we build a bigger auditorium that will seat close to 9,000, redo the current auditorium for more seating, or go to video venues were the questions of the day in staff meetings.

Here is why I remember Fellowship Church went to video instead of the other two options:

1. People would not have to drive as far to new venues.
2. You could reach new people in new areas and have more impact on a different community.
3. The cost for building a new auditorium or redoing the current one would be as much if not more than starting 3 new campuses.
4. Ed is a gifted communicator and would be better on video than most would be live.
5. People who were sitting more than 10 rows back were already watching Ed on the large video screens and not looking at him on stage.
6. LifeChurch.tv was being very succussful in starting and maintaining new places of worship. Therefore we could follow a model of success.

Basically it came down to impact, levels of excellence, cost, and success.

Here is the question of the day, the month, the year, and years to come:

Is it working?

Keith Johnson just wrote a blog post about his experience at one of these services. Read the article and look at the comments. I have known Keith since 1999 when he hired me for a summer to work for the Billy Graham Association. Sometimes in his post and in his comments he comes across harsh, judgemental, or critquing. I know that is not his heart or intent (I just got off the phone with him). He could communicate his questions better. His questions are the same as why Fellowship started doing video venues.

1. Can and is it being impactful?
2. Is the level of excellence greater than a live speaker?
3. Is the cost of watching a video overcoming the building of community?
4. Is it being successful and how do you measure that success?

These questions are not those of critique but of evaluation. These questions are very viable and need to be answered. For many churches they have answered these questions. Take NewSpring Church in South Carolina for example. They are just starting their video venues and must have answered a resounding, "Yes" to the questions above. Why else would you start something if you didn't believe in it.

Here is the problem. This is still a new thing. We don't know the long term answers to the questions. We don't know if video venues cause weird attadance patterns or a lack of passion for attendance. We don't know if video venues cause tithing issues. We don't even know if a gifted communicator on video is more impactful than a gifted communicator live. We don't know if there is longevity in these campuses. We also don't know how this effects the rest of the family.

What we do know is that people are going to these campuses currently. Just look at LifeChurch.tv again. We know that they are hearing the truth about God. Anytime Andy Stanley of North Point Community Church preaches you here the truth about God and they have video venues. We know that they must like a gifted communicator on video more than a sub-par communicator live or they wouldn't be there.

What I hope doesn't happen is this same trend in Children's Ministry. I hope that we are not streamlining Children's Ministry so much that all they get is live worship music and a video. Whether you think adults can handle the difference or not, I think it is much harder for kids. We should not put more emphisis on production to make sure every kid gets the same experience over all the campuses by video. This statement is coming from a guy who loves production at very high qualities. We should instead make sure every kid has the same experience through building relationships. Kids don't get enough relational learning outside of church. They do get enough video and entertainment. Small groups or relationship building is going to be more and more important. I would much rather see a "good" live performance of a drama, Bible story, and games than an incredible, out of this world, great produced video for kids. Please keep as many live elements as possible for kids. It builds their imigination, their understanding, and I believe is just more effective.

July 1, 2008

2 Minute Tuesday: Celebrating America

It has been a while but 2 Minute Tuesdays are back. Enjoy.


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