Why is it that customer service has become so bad that the customer must apologize for wanting something from a business?
Prime example... A customer walks up to a deli and asks for cheese to be sliced. The employee behind the counter asks, "Do you want wax paper between your slices of cheese?" The customer's response, "I am sorry to have to put you through the work but yes, wax paper between the slices would be better." First of all, why even ask the question? Second, instead of worrying about the 1 cent you saved on wax paper, why not be more concerned about the headache that you are saving you customers by putting the wax paper in between the slices? Shouldn't it be that the deli gives you an extra slice of cheese just for coming to their store instead of the one down the street anyway?
I try not to apologize for people doing their jobs. I also hope that no one feels like they need to apologize to my ministry. If they ever do then I really need to evaluate my customer service policy.
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